Guess I am a reader. Made my goal.


Goals are probably a big topic now being the New Year and all. Everyone is making new ones but I thought I would review what I had read this year.

I keep track of what I read on Goodreads. Which is kind of a good way to keep track of what you read and how much you liked it. My goal was to read 52 books in a year. One a week. Guess what I did it. I rock.

Of the books I read this is how I rated them

13 books received 5 out of 5 stars

27 books received 4 out of 5 stars

11 books received 3 out of 5 stars

1 book received 2 out of 5 stars

That’s pretty good considering I gave 40 of the 52 a 4 star or better. Sounds like 2012 was a good year for reading. If you are curious about the genres I read it breaks down like this.

19 of the books were Young Adult

10 of the books were Fantasy

4 of the books were Thrillers

3 of the books were Science Fiction

and the rest were a smattering of other genres.

If I had to recommend any of the 52 books to anyone it would be Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand. It was super interesting and an amazing read.

Bring on 2013 and 52 more books.

About ryanjamesburt

I am a father, husband, accountant, and want to be writer. I try to stay busy so why not keep a blog. I can talk about what is on my mind and maybe entertain some people in the process.
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7 Responses to Guess I am a reader. Made my goal.

  1. clraven says:

    wow, that is impressive. Are you going to try to beat that target this year?


  2. jamieayres says:

    Way to go! I haven’t gone to Goodreads yet to see how many books I read in 2012–but I don’t think I was on there a full year (or if I was, if I was that great at keeping track). I’m gonna be better about it this year. And yeah, I could crush that total too with my kids, plus my students:-)


    • Yeah if we counted all those books we would be dominating. Although I would have to review the same book over and over and over. My guess is the star rating will go down every 10 times I read it.


  3. Hi! Happy new year. All the best for 2013. And keep on reading 🙂


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