Yoda. Yo Yo Yo Yoda.


As you know (or you should know) the other day was May the 4th. Star Wars day. Being the great and wonderful dad I am I needed to make sure my four-year-old daughter understood the greatness of the day. But how do you do that? Can a four-year-old even do that? Sure they can. At least in small degrees. What would appeal to a four-year-old girl? Two things. Yoda and Ewoks.

I open up YouTube and start to show my cute daughter some of the Star War clips. She ate them up. Loved them. She wanted to see every clip. Somehow we even ended up watching some Disney ones where the Star Wars characters are dancing around. Still of all she watched there is one she liked the most. Yoda by Weird Al. She loved the lego version and watched it quite a few times. Then later that day we were driving around and she wanted to listen to the Yoda song. Over and over and over again.

Yoda had her. She was sold. She even said “Yoda is so so so so handsome.” I don’t know about her taste in men but she sure has great taste in movies.

Then at the end of the day she asked “Dad can we watch the movie with Yoda and the Green Sword?” I was so proud. Maybe I should win a dad of the year award. Okay not maybe but probably.

About ryanjamesburt

I am a father, husband, accountant, and want to be writer. I try to stay busy so why not keep a blog. I can talk about what is on my mind and maybe entertain some people in the process.
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