Things my daughter says #12

My daughter and wife were doing chores the other day and one the list of things to do was cleaning the toilets. As my wife was cleaning the toilet my daughter pushed her aside.

“Mom don’t clean the toilets. Daughters and Dads do.” My daughter proclaims proudly. Amazingly enough my wife didn’t disagree with her. Quite the opposite in fact. She agreed completely and got other Moms to agree with her. Imagine that.

My daughter starts to clean the toilet and singing “Cleaning up is fun to do. Fun to do, to do, to do. Cleaning up is fun to do. To do, to do, to do!”

What an amazing daughter.

About ryanjamesburt

I am a father, husband, accountant, and want to be writer. I try to stay busy so why not keep a blog. I can talk about what is on my mind and maybe entertain some people in the process.
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4 Responses to Things my daughter says #12

  1. Austenite78 says:

    Your daughter rocks!! I wish I could squeeze her!! LOL


  2. Tyra says:

    Will she come and tell my husband and daughters this? I am need of some toilet cleaning in my home.


  3. jamieayres says:

    Oh, cherish this time when your daughter loves to clean:) My youngest did until she was 8, now she only does the bare minimum on her chore list and if I ask her to do more, she asks for money. Curse that store Justice at the mall *shakes fist in air*


  4. clraven says:

    Grumblebum loves to clean. Really hope she never grows out of it ‘cos we hate cleaning so we could get her to clean for us


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